Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Struggles and Purified Life.

i have a question for you, and please, tell me what you think:
what does it mean to be pure, for one's life to be pure, for a person to be pure, for the heart of a person to be pure,, to be purified?

and here is a question for me from my best friend:
"kimmy, why do you have to struggle so much?"
she told me that this thing,, it's right in front of me, but i am not taking it.

why do i struggle through life?

this is actually a very good question, because i see life as constant, never-ending struggles, struggle after struggle, and sometimes overloads of struggles.


i just now hit the point where i think too much that i feel like vomitting.
i shall stop. i shall think about these questions later.
i think it's time for me to step back a little and enjoy life...

-kimmy, watching the sunset of her day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you want to be pure? Pure as in untouched? Or pure as in tried and proved? Or both?
Why do you want to be pure?
I think perhaps you are struggling because you "want" to be pure. Not to say that it is wrong to desire to be pure. But ask yourself why is it that you want to be pure. What is the motivation?
I too struggle a lot. I too desire to be pure. And I too ask myself the same questions.

Thinking is good. Keep thinking and love it.