Wednesday, April 18, 2007

"Day of Sadness"

kimmy is a little emo this morning.

so i've read more of the articles on the massacre at virginia tech, and how psychologically "troubled" the gunman, a south korean and an english major, was.

a loner who lived in his imagination of nightmares, and his story had become the reality..

this disturbs me. this makes me sad.

sad because of how wicked the gunman was. his wickedness makes me mad, yet a part of me feels sorry for him. what could have possibly went through his mind?
sad because of what he did. thirty two university students, each one of them so full of hope and potential, now futureless and lifeless and cold..

this indeed marks 'day of sadness'.
oh the world...

-praying kimmy, once again so thankful for all the wonderful people in her life who keep her sane and good.

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