Thursday, April 26, 2007

Today It Rained in My House.

tears of the earth are falling, and they soak my weeping soul.
the wind blows against me, as my wounded soul aches.

i think i kind of understand why adam and eve tried to hide away from God, from their sins; why they tried to cover up their nakedness and shames.

my soul continually weeps and weeps in silence, as the gentle rain falls and falls, as if the infinite sorrow mounted up in the sky is descending down bit by bit, drop by drop...

but alas, this rain, such tears of misery, will seep down into the very deep soil and to the root of all things, and be the the fuel of a new life.
the end of the world becomes the source of hope and the beginning of something new.

if that be so, God, let me get cold and soaked in my guilt and shame in their fullness, so that i may reborn and become anew.

joyce, don't try to cover up your sins with anger, sadness, happiness, or false hope. you do not deserve to be happy. it is time for mourning and weeping, to face those realities, to face the consequences of our actions, and to take life more seriously.

remember such a day as this, and be humbled, and alert yourself.


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