Thursday, May 10, 2007

My Boss At Work.

my boss at work and i were chatting, and i found out that she is a christian.

"i was converted a long time ago, but always so fresh like a baby", said she. "your parents may be against you. your friends may betray you. but you've got to believe that God is always there for you. it is this inner peace you get."

then her eyes became red with tears.

i know she went through stuff, and what kind of stuff i won't say and i don't completely know anyhow, but whatever she went through in her life .. with God .. the talk of it made her eyes to tear.

her teared eyes were the reflection of honest feelings of her soul.

her eyes teared for less than twenty seconds or even ten seconds, but it indeed was one of those timeless and lasting moments.

i am blessed.

blessings. God's blessings. and joys of life.


p.s. by the way i finally moved in today. finally!

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